From Jacinda Ardern, who, until just a few days ago was Prime Minster of New Zealand:
“You can trust us…we will continue to be your single source of truth…Dismiss anything else…Everything else you see—a grain of salt…Unless you hear it from us, it is not the truth.”
The incredible arrogance of the Left is beyond belief. The biggest liars on the planet (government officials) are our “single source of truth.” We are in much more trouble than I thought if that is the case.
But this just demonstrates the kind of people Leftists are. She probably actually believes what she said. And she probably thinks her constituents are too stupid to believe otherwise. And, I guess they are, they made her Prime Minster of their country. These people MUST be stopped before they enslave all of us.
Well, thankfully, she’s gone, but the initial word is, her replacement isn’t any better. We’ll have to wait and see on that, but given the condition of the entire British Commonwealth, there isn’t much to hope for. And to think, 100 years ago, the British Empire was the most powerful in the world.
What will America
be like 100 years from now?