Sunday, October 30, 2022

Quote of the Day, October 30, 2022

 Do not give what is holy to the dogs; nor cast your pearls before swine.--Jesus (Matthew 7:6)

One of the most oft-abused sayings of Jesus is in Matthew 7:1:  "Judge not that you be not judged."  Scoundrels often throw this at Christians in order to try to cover their malevolent actions from those who are shining the light of truth on them.  This passage has no such protective meaning.  In the context, Jesus is talking about hypocritical judgment:  get the log out of your own eye before you start talking about the speck in your brother's eye.  He doesn't deny the speck is there.  Just get the log out if your own eye first.  Hypocrisy is his meaning, not judgment.

But, because none of us are perfect, some will conclude that we should never pass judgment on the sins of others.  Thus, Jesus immediately follows his condemnation of hypocritical judgment with his statement in verse 6 not to give that which is holy to dogs or pearls to swine.  In other words, don't waste your time on people who obviously have given evidence they aren't going to listen.  We must make judgments about who the "dogs" and "swine" are so we can use our time wisely!  In John 7:24, Jesus said, "Do not judge according to appearance, but judge with righteous judgment."  We are required to make some judgments about people.  Even Jesus did this, of course.  After he told the rich young ruler what he needed to do to enter eternal life, the man went away sorrowfully because he loved his money more than he loved his God (Mark 10:17-22).  Jesus didn't chase after him and try to appease him.  He told him the truth, the man left, Jesus let him go.  Three times in Romans 1, Paul said God "gave up" certain people to their godless (including perverted, homosexual) activities.  We sometimes must make these judgments.  It isn't coincidental that right after Jesus talked about not giving holy things to dogs and swine, he goes into a discussion of prayer.  Make your judgments, but ask God to guide you.  We don't want to give up on people too early.

But  there are plenty of people out there who need help. We shouldn't waste time on those who won't listen.  And we have to make those judgments.  Jesus commanded us to.

Saturday, October 29, 2022

Let’s Elect More Democrats!

            Yes!  We need to elect more Democrats on November 8 so they can provide America with more of the wonderful things they have given us in the past two years!  Just think of what they could continue to do for the country if we hand them control of both houses of Congress as well as the presidency for two more years.  Let’s count the reasons we need more Democrats!

            1. The Democrats will bring us more inflation!  Or at least a good recession. That’s positive, don’t you know?  Inflation’s only at 8+% now.  The Dems can run it higher than that, cut even more into the (despised) American middle class’s disposable income so that we can’t afford as much food as we used to.  Too many of us are, um, weight-challenged anyway.  Eat less!  Better health!   More inflation-deep recession is good for us!

            2. Let’s have higher gasoline prices!  Only 5 bucks a gallon now??  Are you kidding me?  You’ll probably keep driving your gas-guzzling SUV at that price.  Elect more Democrats so that gas prices will go up, Up, UP and we can all buy $60,000 electric vehicles with batteries that blow up and burn up.  We can charge the ones that last a month at our windmills or with solar panels.  Save the earth!

            3. That also means dependence on foreign oil!  Yes!  We need oil from Venezuela and Saudi Arabia and OPEC.  Every country should be dependent upon their enemies for their greatest resource needs!  Democrats can do that for us!  Continue LESS oil and natural gas drilling at home.  We certainly don’t want to be energy independent.  That will destroy the planet, we all know that.   And be sure to give the Chinese the rest of our strategic oil reserve!  They can give us solar panels in return!  So…more Democrats!!

            4. We must keep that war going in Ukraine!  And maybe, if we are lucky, Joe can push Vlad into dropping nuclear bombs everywhere and billions of people will die!  Overpopulation is the greatest problem in the world today (just ask Bill Gates and the WEF), so a good nuclear war will help solve that glitch.  Just don’t kill all the bugs so that we’ll have something to eat…if any of us are left… Anyway, if we are really lucky, Xi Jinping will start a war in Taiwan, and Joe, Mitch, and Congress can spend billions of taxpayer dollars there, too! Democrats!  Democrats!  Democrats!  RINOs!  War, war, WAR!!

            5. We need more crime in our streets!  Yeah.  There aren’t enough people dying in Chicago, Philadelphia, New York, New Orleans, Detroit, etc. etc.  That will help the population crisis, too.

            6. More gun control, less police!  Yes!  That way even MORE Americans won’t be able to protect themselves and will get shot down by thugs and help Bill with population control!  Brilliant ploy!

            7. And we certainly need more zero-cash-bail policies.  Less bail means more criminals out in the streets.  That means more crime.  That means more people getting mugged, robbed, raped, and killed!  That means the need for more government!  More taxes!  Less people!  More Democrats!  Yes!

            8. Let’s have more open borders!  Well, I mean, don’t we have more borders we can open somewhere?  There isn’t enough fentanyl coming into the country, or enough foreign criminals roaming our streets, or sufficient foreign workers taking American jobs.  We need more, More, MORE!  More elected Democrats to do this for us!

            9. We need more abortions!  There are way too many babies stinking up the country.  Just think of what more abortions would do to solve the baby formula and diaper crisis!  Kill those little rodents up to the time of birth, and if one of them slips out accidentally before that—or even after—off him/her/it, too.  Yes, more abortions.  Life is meaningless anyway, no sense in bringing more hungry mouths into the world.  That will just increase demand, put a greater burden on our health care system, cause inflation to go up…uh, wait a minute, we want more inflation because that destroys the middle class.  Well, you get the idea.  More Democrats means more abortions!  We are waaaay behind Communist China in killing people!

            10. We need more sex education for kindergartners, more grooming of our children.  Some stupid parents actually think their children belong to them and that the schools should educate kids in reading, writing, and arithmetic, etc.  Ha!  Idiots.  What’s more important, math or teaching children about sex so THEY can decide which of the thousand genders they are?  Too many Christian hillbillies in this country.  Abort them, too.

            11. We need more MAPs!  They’ll teach children about sex, that’s for sure.  Turn them and the drag queens loose in the schools and we’ll make Sodom and Gomorrah look like heavenly Jerusalem!  And if we can turn all our children into trannies, that will solve the population, diaper, and baby formula crises as well!  Yippee!  Such wonderful outcomes!  Utopia!  We won’t have as many abortions, though.  Oh, well, can’t have everything.

            12. More Democrats means more FBI agents raiding the homes of Americans who don’t like Joe Biden!  Fill the jails with MAGA people, not murderers!  Yes!  Anybody who opposes Joe SHOULD have an FBI rifle stuck up their…nose.  And election-deniers certainly should be punished.  Um, unless their name is Clinton or Abrams… Moving on…How about a few more IRS agents, too?  87,000 new ones aren’t nearly enough.  Elect more Democrats and every American can have their own personal IRS agent!  Wouldn’t that be great!!  Nobody could cheat on their taxes any more!  Yeah!  More money for Ukraine!  And Fauci and Pfizer!

            More Democrats!  More, MORE, MOOOORE!!!


Don't forget my books!  Christmas is coming!  My 2nd Rob Conners western novel, River Bend, is now available.  Honestly, I think it is much better than my first book, Whitewater.  Both are available at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and  Get a 10% discount on the paperback at  


Thursday, October 27, 2022

Quote of the Day, October 27, 2022

 From ME, in my article posted today:

"To a Leftist, a person can have no higher allegiance than to the government.  God (and family) must be, at best, in second place (better to discard both totally).  Family is still strong in China, but during the “one-child policy” earlier this millennium, countless families were forced to abort babies in compliance with government diktat.  In China, family, like religion, is always subservient to government control.   And punishment for “cultists”, or their offspring, is the result of any perceived grievance against the Leftist ideology."


The Democrats, like the Chinese Communist Party, don't necessarily want to totally destroy the family, as long as you don't put family above them.  Exactly what Hitler demanded, too.  But total destruction is not the point, though they probably wouldn't object to that.  They just insist that you admit that the 'thing' in the womb is no more valuable than a fingernail and can be removed any time a woman wants to.  That 'marriage' can be defined as being between two people of the same sex, not just between a man and a woman.  That homosexuality is as 'natural' and pure as heterosexual sex.  That some women are actually born as 'men', and visa-versa, and that children should be allowed to have sex changes as well as adults.  That 'MAPs' (Minor Attracted People) should not be condemned for trying to convert children to their lifestyle.  They want acceptance.  From you.  An admission that they are as 'religious' and 'moral' as you are.

They will never get it from me.  

Townhall neglected to post the following after my article today so I include it here:

Christmas is coming!  My 2nd Rob Conners western novel, River Bend, is now available.  Honestly, I think it is much better than my first book, Whitewater.  Both are available at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and  Get a 10% discount on the paperback at 

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Quote of the Day, October 26, 2022

 From Mark Twain:

"Suppose you were an idiot, and suppose you were a member of Congress; but I repeat myself."

Obviously, it has been common thought for a long time that Congress is full of buffoons.  I'm not sure what it is about Washington, D.C. that attracts such a despised group of people.  I guess it's because nearly everyone recognizes Congressthings only have, and always only have had, their own interests in mind.  Why they can't see it, I don't know.  People of common sense can.

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Quote of the Day, October 25, 2022

 I want to start a new feature here, "Quote of the Day," some words of wisdom from someone other than me 😁.  I'm not sure I'll get to this every day, but check back occasionally and see what you see.

Today's quote:

"The essence of Government is power; and power, lodged as it must be in human hands, will ever be liable to abuse."  James Madison

The men who founded America, more than anybody in human history, understood the dangers of political power.   Very few people have listened to them, and their warnings against political power are the main reason the Left hates them so vociferously.  The Left cares nothing about slavery--except making YOU a slave.  The Left cares nothing about race--except how "people of color" can be exploited for political gain and "white supremacists" can be condemned for the same reason.  Never, ever forget:  the Left wants power.  That is all they live for.

Monday, October 24, 2022

How Many Elections Will the Democrats Steal Next Month?

That is a very good question.  The Democrats will certainly lie, cheat, and try to steal as many elections as they can.  The Democratic Party has become a party with absolutely no moral scruples.  Their only goal is power, at any cost, fair or foul.  But they also know there are limitations to what they can do.  Even the most powerful king or emperor in history did have some limitations on his power.  He couldn't kill everybody, and if he tried, his nobility would certainly have rebelled and chopped off his head.  No ruler, or political party, can get away with everything.

So, it will be an interesting election to watch.  In some races, for example, the Florida governor's race, the Dems won't try to steal that.  The gap between Ron DeSantis and Charlie Crist is too wide, and even the Democratic Party knows it cannot succeed in pilfering the million+ votes it would take to give Crist victory.  But watch out for the close ones, say, Pennsylvania Senate.  Let's assume that only a few thousand votes separate Mehmet Oz and John Fetterman.  The Republicans better be on their strongest guard.  "Finding" a few thousand extra votes, especially in strongly Democratic districts, will not be difficult and might make the difference in victory or defeat for Oz.  Hopefully, after what happened in 2020, the Republicans will be on the lookout and well-prepared to counter Democratic corruption.  But this is the Stupid Party we are talking about, and if any political party was ever capable of snatching defeat from the jaws of victory, it would be the Mitch McConnell-led Republican Party.  It almost seems like McConnell doesn't care if Republicans win or lose.  We do know he doesn't want many MAGA Republicans around.

November 8 will be an interesting day, with much to watch for.  The Republicans only need a few seats to gain control of the House of Representatives, and will probably get them.  The question is the Senate.  Can the Democrats steal enough races to maintain power there?  Especially since Mitch doesn't care one way or another.

It would be so nice to get Oz, Masters, J.D. and Herschel into the Senate.  That's almost too much to hope for.

Don't forget to order my two western novels, Whitewater and River BendYou can get the paperback or Kindle versions at Amazon.  Barnes and Noble's website has the paperback versions.  Email and that will get you a 10% discount on the paperback version.  If necessary, I can send to you pictures of my poor, starving children....



Saturday, October 22, 2022

Return to the Great American West with My Two Novels

            My second western novel, River Bend, has just been published by Eliva Press.  You can purchase it at Amazon (click the link).  It should also be available at Barnes and Noble’s website and at  Buy it and relax with a good read.

            Actually, if you haven’t purchased my first book, Whitewater, get it, too.  I think the paperback copies of both are a little expensive (not my doing), but books tend to be overpriced nowadays.  A Kindle version of Whitewater is available for only $5.95, and a e-version of River Bend will also be available soon.

            Of the two books, I think River Bend is far superior.  They form a sequel, though can be read as stand alones.  I think I kinda Joe Biden’d a little in Whitewater, though it’s still good.  But in River Bend, everything just fell into place, like a perfect jigsaw puzzle.  Cut me some slack, Whitewater was my first book, so there were a few learning bumps.  I’ll have a third in this series published in the coming months.  You will like Rob Conners, I promise you.

            Anyway, if you like the American West, and can’t afford to go out because of Bidenflation and gas prices, settle into your favorite chair with some good reads.  Cold weather and Christmas are coming so that will help, too.  Enjoy, and let me know what you think.



Friday, October 21, 2022

God is a Tranny and Other Enlightenment

            Some headlines and other interesting tidbits caught my eye this week.  For example, I learned that God is a s tranny (our President said so).  Nancy Botox defines democracy for us.  “The Case of the Disappearing Diapers” has been solved.   The “red wave” is, uh, red?  And Joe’s most recent bit of diplomatic determinism isolates America even more.  Let’s look.

1.  God is a tranny.  Monday was the “Transgender Day of Visibility” or something like that.  Sorry I missed seeing it.  But Joe Biden saw it and wanted all the trannies to know it:  “I want you to know that your President sees you…for what you are, made in the image of God…”  Ah.  So, if trannies are made in the image of God, that must mean God is a tranny, too.  I wonder if God has figured out yet that He/She/It is a binary, or non-binary, tranny, or whatever.  God is probably confused, too.  Joe Biden can help Him.  Her.  It.  Xer.  Whatever that thing up there is…

            This disgusting, now blasphemous, transgender depravity will stop when women—yes, women, because they are the only people in our society with cojones any more—stop it.  It will end when our snobbish elites let a team full of 7 foot, 5 inch transgender men go undefeated and win three straight WNBA titles (though I don’t know who will notice).  And when men take over enough women’s sports and other female activities (welfare money for single “mothers”?), the ladies will finally say “Enough!” and castrate this farce.  I hope.  But it isn’t happening quickly enough.  It needs to start yesterday.

2.  It’s only democracy if you can cheat.  Nancy Pelosi recently told an MSNBC audience, “Our Democracy is at stake when you define democracy as integrity of the vote.”  So, voting integrity is undemocratic.  Yeah, I can see how Stacey Abrams and MSNBC viewers would understand that.  And Nancy Pelosi, too.  To Nancy, democracy apparently means there should be no “integrity” at the ballot box, that cheaters must be allowed to vote as well.  Sometimes these liberals let slip what they really think, and here is a perfect example of it.  Nancy wants illegal aliens, people who have no right to even be in the country, to vote in American elections.  If we have “integrity of the vote”, they won’t be able to.  That puts democracy “at stake.”  That fits with the globalist agenda.  Why don’t we just let everybody in the world, including dead people, vote in American elections?  That would be truly “democratic”, and we wouldn’t have to worry about “integrity of the vote” any more.  Republicans couldn’t steal elections by denying anyone’s voting rights.  I can’t wait until Nancy finally admits she doesn’t really want ANYBODY to vote.  That would fit her communist Chinese-type ideology.

3.  From Yahoo Finance:  “America is facing a diaper crisis, and the anti-abortion movement is making it worse.”


            I’m not even going to dignify that with a comment. 

            4.  How “red” is the “red wave”?  I read more and more these days that the “red wave” is really coming, the Republicans are going to wipe out the Democrats on November 8 and gain huge majorities, probably in both houses of Congress.  I hope so.  But pardon me while I scratch my head.  Here are headlines I read this week:  “Poll:  GOP’s Blake Masters in Statistical Tie with Democrat Mark Kelly in AZ Senate Race.”  Interpretation:  Master is behind (42.4 for Kelly, 39.6 for Masters).  Another:  “AARP Poll:  Fetterman Only Leads Mehmet Oz by 2 in PA Senate Race.”  Interpretation:  Oz is losing.  Another:  “Poll:  Zeldin Within ‘Striking Distance’ of Democrat Kathy Hochul.”  Interpretation:  Zeldin is trailing Hochul.  Another:  “Landmark Poll:  Herschel Walker, Raphael Warnock Tied in Georgia Senate Race.”  The poll has Warnock at 46.1% of the vote and Herschel at 46%.  That’s a tie.  (It is?)  Another:  “Survey:  Race Tightening Between Republican Tudor Dixon, Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer.”  Interpretation:  Dixon is losing.  Another:  “Poll:  GOP Hung Cao Just 2 Points Behind Far-Left Democrat Rep. Jennifer Wexton in VA-10.”  Interpretation:  Hung’s being hung out to dry.

             Democracy is supposed to be you win if you get at least 50%+1.  And, of course, any or all of these races could swing Republican by November 8. 

            Or none of them.

            I know, I know, can’t trust the polls.  We hope.

            Close only counts in horseshoes and grenades, or so the old saying goes.  Let’s hope, on November 9, the Republicans don’t say, “Well, we came close…”

            5.  And this wonderful headline (thanks to Breitbart for most of the above material):  “Saudi Arabia Seeks to Join Russia/China-Led BRICS Coalition After Biden Admin Insults”.  So, after driving Vladimir Putin into the arms of Xi Jinping with his braindead (but deliberate) Ukraine fiasco, now our Bozo-in-Chief has insulted the Kingdom and they want to jump in bed with Vlad and JP, too.  I really thought the idea of a wise diplomacy was to make friends, not enemies. 

            That IS the idea, unless your intention is to destroy the United States of America.  And that IS the intention of the Biden administration and Democratic Party.

            They really aren’t as stupid as we think they are, folks.  They are doing exactly what they want, and intend, to do. 

            We better turn some of those poll numbers around in a hurry.  Or…

            Thailand is nice this time of year…





Mark It Down! Has Moved!

Please click on the following link to the new Mark It Down! substack: Same great material!  😁😁😁