Monday, November 28, 2022

Stupid and Evil Stupid

        There is stupid.  Then there is really stupid.  Then there is really, really stupid.  And then there is really, really, very stupid.

        The next step beyond that is Joe Biden.

        But then, there is one more category of stupid, which I will call “evil stupid.”  Get a load of this: 

        “Trinity College [Cambridge] Dean Defends Graphic Woke Sermon Claiming Jesus Had a ‘Trans Body’” (from Breitbart, November 28).

        And to think the British once had a great empire.  It isn’t hard to see how they lost it.

        I wonder how this fellow thinks he will ever escape the damnation of hell.  I do hope he repents because I want all men to repent.

        But it’s really worse than that headline.  He preached a sermon, depicting a painting of a pierced Jesus on the cross.  The piercing had a “decidedly vaginal appearance.”  He also said that the Lord had a “trans body.”

        This is beyond Joe Biden stupidity.  It’s not just blasphemous, it’s downright monstrously evil.  This guy is a dean?  At Trinity College?  Cambridge?  Supposedly one of the greatest universities in the world?

        And he doesn’t know the difference between a painting and a Polaroid?

        We have no pictures of Jesus.  We have no clue what He (or His body) looked like.  None.  Zero.  Zilch.  We do know He was male because He was circumcised as a baby.  But to take what was probably a medieval painting of Jesus, imply it was genuine, and then call it “trans”….Again, that is beyond even Joe Biden stupidity. 

        And it’s evil.  Beyond evil.  Satanic. 

        But to the woke, the Left, even in “the church,” almost everything is about sex.  Homosexuality is all about sex.  Transgenderism is all about sex.  Child mutilation is all about sex.  Abortion is all about sex.  These people are sex-obsessed.  Their minds are in the toilet, full of vivid, graphic, pornographic visions.  It apparently is all they think about.  And they even drag Jesus into their filthy sewer.

        Unless he repents, I definitely would not want to be this fellow when he meets God on the Day of Judgment.  In fact, I’m going to stand as far away from him as I can possibly get.


Saturday, November 26, 2022

  I’m Thankful Every Day

            I deliberately chose to wait until after Thanksgiving Day to write this article.  I do think Thanksgiving is a wonderful holiday; we, as a country, should focus on the blessings we have and remind ourselves to be grateful for them.  The Left is trying to destroy this day of commemoration and joy, but then, even a causal glance shows us that the Left destroys, or tries to, every good and decent thing.  They know not how to build, they only know how to tear down the good.

            But let’s leave Leftist scum aside for a few moments.  I think Thanksgiving Day is a needed holiday, but I want to remind us that we should be thankful EVERY day.  We know that.  Let’s not forget it.

            Here are a few simple things I am thankful for.

            1.  I am thankful for a God in heaven Who showers us with blessings.  I don’t understand why God does everything He does, or doesn’t do some things He doesn’t do.  He is infinite and eternal, I am finite and mortal.  My knowledge compared to His is as a grain of sand in the entire universe, so, no, I don’t comprehend all His works. He doesn’t always do what I want Him to do, but then, I don’t always do what He wants me to do, either, and He does a whole lot more for me than I do for Him.  He has His ways, His purposes, His will.  Most of my life is pretty good; there are a few bumps along the way, but generally, those help me build character and strength, which are things I require, too.  He knows what He is doing even if I don’t.

            I guess—frankly, I really don’t know because I have been living overseas—that “God Bless America” is still sung at some sporting events in America.  That’s nice.  But we need a new theme—“America, Bless God.”  He certainly has blessed us, every day.  What are we doing for Him?   Thank you, God.  You are a whole lot better to me than I am to You and than what I deserve.  Forgive me when I spit in Your face.

            2.  I am thankful for parents who didn’t abort me or mutilate me when I was a child.  I had a good father and a good mother; they are, sadly, both gone now, but I have fond memories of them.  No, they weren’t perfect, but they were wonderful.  Especially as a child, I trusted them, and they always provided for me.  Even after I grew up and left home, they helped me often.  They were ALWAYS there for me, and I weep for children today who don’t have such a home.  My parents gave me life.  They taught me I was a boy (male), and I never even dreamed that I might be female.  I played with girls when I was growing up, but my parents didn’t interpret that as, “oh, Mark must be a girl.  Let’s put a dress on him.”  My parents were decent, God-fearing, hard-working, common-sense people and I thank that God above every day that I had parents like that.  As I recently penned, the greatest crime in American history is the Left’s current attempted destruction of the nuclear family.  That is heinous to unfathomable degrees.  The Leftist mutants who are mutilating children are sub-human psychopaths.  The women who murder their unborn babies are the most selfish people in the world, committing the ultimate act of selfishness.  They want to have their hedonistic indulgence, then not accept any consequences for that indulgence, thus depriving another, totally innocent, human being of what the mother herself enjoys—life.  I wonder how many people who believe in abortion wish their parents had aborted them.  What disgusting, self-centered, degenerates they are.  A woman makes her “choice” when she spreads her legs; and she never gives her unborn baby any “choice” as to whether it wants to live or not.  Pro-abortionists are despicable human sewage.

            I am thankful my parent chose sacrifice and life rather than selfishness and death.  Thanks, dad and mom.  I still love you and I certainly miss you.

            3.  I’m thankful for America.  Just like my parents weren’t perfect, neither is my country.  But that imperfect America still provided me the freedom to be what I wanted to be, when I was responsible enough to work hard for it, and didn’t make excuses or blame somebody else for my failures.  America educated me, gave me several jobs, provided me with the opportunity to get necessary food, clothing, and shelter, along with delivering many luxuries that most people in human history could never ever have dreamed about.  America entertained me with baseball, football, basketball, good television shows and movies to watch—a host of things that, again, most humans never enjoyed or could have imagined.  America is a capitalist country that allowed all of the above, and more, things that even her poorest citizens have been able to delight in.  There is a caveat to that point, however.  The materialism produced by capitalism has led Americans to a pleasure-oriented life that has destroyed spirituality and caused them to cease being…thankful…to the God and our forefathers who made it all possible.  Too many of us have grown fat, lazy, selfish, and hedonistic.  That’s not good, and unscrupulous leaders are taking advantage of it.  But overall, the America I lived in still exists in many areas of the country, and is something I am thankful for.  Thank you, America.  You are still the best.  We will try to save you so that future generations can enjoy the above things as well.

            There are just three things for which I am thankful.  If I listed everything I am thankful for, it would be a book never-ending.  I try to be thankful for these things every day, not just once a year.  A little more thanksgiving, and a little less selfishness, among our people might help America overcome some of her problems. 

            God Bless America!  America, Bless God!

Thursday, November 24, 2022

Isn't It Interesting...

 ...that the same people who push for a woman's right to kill her unborn baby are the same people who are pushing for the mutilation of children after they are born?  And why not?   If they have no respect for the child in the womb, why would we expect them to have any love for a child outside it?   Mutilation of a human inside or outside--what's the difference?

It's the Left.   It's Robespierre, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Castro, the Kims.  Countless hundreds of millions of destroyed, innocent human lives. 

At least they are consistent.  Human life, inside or outside the womb, means nothing to them and can be killed as they see fit.

These people are the worst of all human evil.  In America, they are called the "Democratic Party."

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Just a Reminder...

I always hated it when author's advertised their books on their blogs or whatever.  But that was before I published some books.  I still hate it, even when I do it, but I published them in order to sell them, so forgive my imposition here.

Christmas is coming! Thanksgiving and cold weather, too.  If dad or grandpa or anybody you know likes to read western novels, then please take a gander at mine.  My western novels, Whitewater and River Bend, are available at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and  The hardback copies are little expensive--I had nothing to do with that--but the Kindle versions are affordable.  And Kindle is free.  I have a third western for sale, Allie’s Dilemma, and it is available for Kindle only. 

Thanks.  No more adverts for...well, maybe right before Christmas....


We Don't Know, So Kill It

        We all know that our illustrious President has no clue what he is talking about 100% of the time.  We also know he is a religious hypocrite of the first order.

        Recently, Mr. Biden said, “I’m a practicing Catholic.  I’ve supported Roe v. Wade.  Those two statements are flat contradictions.  The Catholic Church condemns abortion; no true, “practicing Catholic” can go against the teachings of his church.  That is utter hypocrisy.  Biden is a Democrat, he’s not a Catholic, and his Democratic Party affiliation means more to him that his relationship with his church or God.  It’s that simple.

        He goes on to say, “The reason I support Roe v. Wade is the most rational basis upon which confessional faiths can agree.”  Whatever that means. “No one knows precisely when does human life begin.”

        That isn’t true.  Human life begins at conception.           Professor Micheline Matthews-Roth of Harvard University Medical School: “It is incorrect to say that biological data cannot be decisive….It is scientifically correct to say that an individual human life begins at conception…Our laws, one function of which is to help preserve the lives of our people, should be based on accurate scientific data.”

        That’s Harvard Medical School, folks.  So, not only does Joe go against God, he goes against Harvard science.     

        I thought the Democratic Party was the party of “science.” 

        But Biden is a Democrat.  And his political party would kick him out if he didn’t believe it was ok to murder babies.  The Democratic Party believes in its religion more strongly than the Catholic Church does.  The Catholic Church apparently lets its members believe whatever they want to.

        But given Biden’s own premise, “nobody knows when human life begins,” his conclusion is revolting:  We don’t know so it’s ok to kill it.  Maybe it’s a baby, maybe it’s not.  Maybe we are killing a baby, maybe we aren’t.  Since we don’t know, it’s ok to kill it.

        Does anyone but me find that to be disgusting and completely revolting?  

        It seems to me that if we don’t know, then it might be.  Wouldn’t it be safer, if we are going to err, to err on the side of caution, of life, of protecting the innocent unborn?  Just think, Joe, that thing might grow up and decide to be a tranny.  You don’t want to kill trannies, do you?  Trannies are the 2nd most important dogma of the Democratic Party.

But abortion is number 1.  A woman's right to dispose of her unborn baby trumps even her right to become a man, or not know what she is.  NOTHING is more important than abortion.

But I simply want to ask:  since that thing in the womb obviously IS alive—nobody can deny that—wouldn’t it be better to let it live, just in case it IS human?

        No, according to Biden.  It’s alive, no doubt about that.  It was produced by two human beings, that’s true, too.  The Catholic Church and science both say it is human from conception (the Bible agrees with that, too). 

        But the Democratic Party doesn’t know, so it’s ok to disregard God and science and dispose of it. 

        Of course, the Democratic Party doesn’t know what a woman is any more, either. 

        We don’t know.  So kill it.  Love that logic.  And humanity.

        There is no more abominable institution on the face of this earth than the Democratic Party of America.  I don't even think the Chinese Communist Party is as bad.




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