There is stupid. Then there is really stupid. Then there is really, really stupid. And then there is really, really, very stupid.
The next step beyond that is Joe Biden.
But then, there is one more category of stupid, which I will call “evil stupid.” Get a load of this:
“Trinity College [Cambridge] Dean Defends Graphic Woke Sermon Claiming Jesus Had a ‘Trans Body’” (from Breitbart, November 28).
And to think the British once had a great empire. It isn’t hard to see how they lost it.
I wonder how this fellow thinks he will ever escape the damnation of hell. I do hope he repents because I want all men to repent.
But it’s really worse than that headline. He preached a sermon, depicting a painting of a pierced Jesus on the cross. The piercing had a “decidedly vaginal appearance.” He also said that the Lord had a “trans body.”
This is beyond Joe Biden stupidity. It’s not just blasphemous, it’s downright monstrously evil. This guy is a dean? At Trinity College? Cambridge? Supposedly one of the greatest universities in the world?
And he doesn’t know the difference between a painting and a Polaroid?
We have no pictures of Jesus. We have no clue what He (or His body) looked like. None. Zero. Zilch. We do know He was male because He was circumcised as a baby. But to take what was probably a medieval painting of Jesus, imply it was genuine, and then call it “trans”….Again, that is beyond even Joe Biden stupidity.
it’s evil. Beyond evil. Satanic.
But to the woke, the Left, even in “the church,” almost everything is about sex. Homosexuality is all about sex. Transgenderism is all about sex. Child mutilation is all about sex. Abortion is all about sex. These people are sex-obsessed. Their minds are in the toilet, full of vivid, graphic, pornographic visions. It apparently is all they think about. And they even drag Jesus into their filthy sewer.
Unless he repents, I definitely would not want to be this fellow when he meets God on the Day of Judgment. In fact, I’m going to stand as far away from him as I can possibly get.