Wednesday, November 23, 2022

We Don't Know, So Kill It

        We all know that our illustrious President has no clue what he is talking about 100% of the time.  We also know he is a religious hypocrite of the first order.

        Recently, Mr. Biden said, “I’m a practicing Catholic.  I’ve supported Roe v. Wade.  Those two statements are flat contradictions.  The Catholic Church condemns abortion; no true, “practicing Catholic” can go against the teachings of his church.  That is utter hypocrisy.  Biden is a Democrat, he’s not a Catholic, and his Democratic Party affiliation means more to him that his relationship with his church or God.  It’s that simple.

        He goes on to say, “The reason I support Roe v. Wade is the most rational basis upon which confessional faiths can agree.”  Whatever that means. “No one knows precisely when does human life begin.”

        That isn’t true.  Human life begins at conception.           Professor Micheline Matthews-Roth of Harvard University Medical School: “It is incorrect to say that biological data cannot be decisive….It is scientifically correct to say that an individual human life begins at conception…Our laws, one function of which is to help preserve the lives of our people, should be based on accurate scientific data.”

        That’s Harvard Medical School, folks.  So, not only does Joe go against God, he goes against Harvard science.     

        I thought the Democratic Party was the party of “science.” 

        But Biden is a Democrat.  And his political party would kick him out if he didn’t believe it was ok to murder babies.  The Democratic Party believes in its religion more strongly than the Catholic Church does.  The Catholic Church apparently lets its members believe whatever they want to.

        But given Biden’s own premise, “nobody knows when human life begins,” his conclusion is revolting:  We don’t know so it’s ok to kill it.  Maybe it’s a baby, maybe it’s not.  Maybe we are killing a baby, maybe we aren’t.  Since we don’t know, it’s ok to kill it.

        Does anyone but me find that to be disgusting and completely revolting?  

        It seems to me that if we don’t know, then it might be.  Wouldn’t it be safer, if we are going to err, to err on the side of caution, of life, of protecting the innocent unborn?  Just think, Joe, that thing might grow up and decide to be a tranny.  You don’t want to kill trannies, do you?  Trannies are the 2nd most important dogma of the Democratic Party.

But abortion is number 1.  A woman's right to dispose of her unborn baby trumps even her right to become a man, or not know what she is.  NOTHING is more important than abortion.

But I simply want to ask:  since that thing in the womb obviously IS alive—nobody can deny that—wouldn’t it be better to let it live, just in case it IS human?

        No, according to Biden.  It’s alive, no doubt about that.  It was produced by two human beings, that’s true, too.  The Catholic Church and science both say it is human from conception (the Bible agrees with that, too). 

        But the Democratic Party doesn’t know, so it’s ok to disregard God and science and dispose of it. 

        Of course, the Democratic Party doesn’t know what a woman is any more, either. 

        We don’t know.  So kill it.  Love that logic.  And humanity.

        There is no more abominable institution on the face of this earth than the Democratic Party of America.  I don't even think the Chinese Communist Party is as bad.




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