Sunday, January 22, 2023

Why I Am Not, and Never Will Be, A Catholic

       I mean absolutely no offense to you who are Catholics.  I am sure you are probably more frustrated and disgusted than I am.

        From Breitbart:  “Jesuit Father James Martin Says Gay Marriage is Marriage.  Jesuit Father James Martin, an LGBT advocate, affirmed Saturday his belief that two men can enter into a real marriage than must be recognized as such.”

        I will never be a Catholic as long as that church allows people to have leadership positions who hold and teach doctrines that are directly contrary to the Word of God.  Man cannot change God’s Word, and unfortunately, Catholic popes and priests do it all the time.  I will never recognize “gay” marriage because God, in the very beginning of mankind, defined marriage as between a man and a woman, and made it very clear, in both Old and New Testaments, that homosexuality was utterly repulsive to Him.  How anybody claiming to be a disciple of the God of heaven and His Son, can hold an opinion in such direct opposition to His will, is totally beyond me.

        I hope the Catholic Church will boot “Father" (read Matthew 23:9, please) James Martin as far out of the church as they can.  More, I hope he will repent and accept the truth as written in God’s Word.  I’m not going to hold my breath waiting for either of those things to happen, though.

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