Stephen A. Smith is black. He is also the highest-paid on-air announcer on his network (ESPN). But, he suggested, he is "underpaid" because he is black (he only makes $8 million a year, see Breitbart article, 10/31. I hope he can feed his family on that. Might be hard to do under Joe Biden.).
So, ESPN must be racist. What a hoot. This sports network, instead of sticking to its job of doing sports, supports every far left-wing cause that comes along. And now they are, in effect, accused of racism by one of their own. I wonder how much they would have to pay Smith in order for him not to be so mentally-challenged. They probably couldn't pay him enough because there is no price that can be put on ideology. Or racism. Or stupidity.
Come to
find out that Major League Baseball must be racist, too, because there aren't
enough American-born blacks playing in the World Series this year. It’s
America's “systemic” fault for that, of course.
There is only one answer: MLB must
not only recruit drag queens, but also round up black American athletes. Don’t give them a choice what sport they want
to play, let the Democrats re-enslave them and make them play baseball. Call it "affirmative action."
The non-racist Left, once again, sees everything through the lens of race.
The NFL, also forgetting that it's supposed to do sports, has threatened to move the Super Bowl out of Arizona if Kari Lake is elected governor and follows through on her promise to secure that state's border. Apparently, to the NFL, there isn't enough China-produced, cartel-sold fentanyl in America killing our young people. Kari, to her credit, gave the NFL the one-finger salute.
The liberal freak show continues. We will never know, for sure, what happened at Paul Pelosi's house because the truth would obviously be bad for the "freak show" and so the Democrats will cover it up.
The Left knows there has to be a standard of morality somewhere. Every human being knows a line must be drawn to define proper and improper behavior. The only problem is, the Left has opened the door to every pervert, mutant, and subhuman rodent on the planet, condoning much immoral sewage that was never practiced before and that no decent human or society in history would have tolerated. They let human depravity run to extremes with no censoring at all, so they have no clue where a line is to be drawn. So, the latest garbage-action of some Californian is acceptable do you condemn it if there is no standard to compare it to?
Well, they do have one standard. The one thing they know, for sure, is whatever a MAGA person believes is wrong. It doesn't matter what it is, it's wrong. That has to be censored, that must be condemned. Whoever draws a line at honor, decency, and opposition to human perversity has to have a line drawn against them. The only perversion is opposition to perversion. That's the Left's morality. So, let the freak shows continue.
Don’t forget! Christmas is coming! My 2nd Rob Conners western novel, River Bend, is now available. Honestly, I think it is much better than my first book, Whitewater. Both are available at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and Get a 10% discount on the paperback at