Harvard University has a Kennedy School of Government whose primary intent is to prepare people for some aspect of public (government) service. I suspect everybody who attends that school has a high IQ, and there is nothing wrong with that. But having a high IQ and lots of training doesn’t necessarily make you smart. And more importantly, it doesn’t make you a good person or better than other people, though liberals seem to think it does.
George Washington was a farmer who also served as a military and political leader. He didn’t go to Harvard, but he was pretty good at guiding men, and not a bad President. Of course, we live in a far more complex world now, and I’m not opposed to people studying public policy, international relations, foreign languages, etc. etc. to better prepare themselves for serving mankind. But unless a school teaches the fundamentals of what American students and society really need—the difference between right and wrong, how to save money, how to be truly color blind, the value of human life, that they work for the United States of America, not Mexico, Venezuela, or Communist China—then all their expensive “public policy” education is self-aggrandizement and isn’t worth much to the people they are supposed to serve.
Knowledge is not virtue. Knowledge is in the head, virtue comes out of the heart. Good leaders don’t need to have high IQs; they need to be good people.
The most important elements, by far, of the training needed to do government (or any other kind of) service is moral training--virtue. Yes, we need computer specialists, language specialists, etc. etc. But regardless of how much “specialist” preparation a person has, if that person is inwardly rotten, they are going to do a rotten job for the country, and the people will have difficulty overcoming it. Joe Biden is a horrible President not just because he isn’t very intelligent and has become senile. He is a horrible President because he is a rotten person, without a scintilla of moral virtue inside him. He cares first, foremost, and only about himself and retaining the power and authority over others of which he is totally unworthy as a human being. In other words, he is the exact OPPOSITE of the quality of person who should do his job. Hence, his utter, and lifelong, failure.
Democrats and liberals are attracted to government because government has power over others and can certainly sway a country in one direction or another. They believe, maybe even sincerely, that they know better how to run your life than you do (they went to “Hahvahd”, remember?). Thus, if we will give them the power and opportunity they believe they deserve to have, and if the opposition is suppressed, then they possess the intelligence, foresight, and ability to truly create a paradise on earth. Such a “paradise” would be socialism because individual freedom is the exact opposite of that system, of their belief in their wisdom to direct and control mankind. The word “virtue” is probably not even in their dictionary. They are omniscient, and so brilliant they can even control nature. Now, some of them probably know better than to believe all this baloney and are only in it for personal glory. But I have no doubt the idealists exist, in huge numbers.
This “vision” of theirs is why they hate Donald Trump (and you) so much. He, more than anyone else, is perceived to be standing in their way, and he represents the exact opposite of everything they believe in. They are God, here to give the rest of us heaven on earth. Trump is the devil, the total reverse of everything they hold dear and believe to be holy, just, righteous, and good. He MUST be destroyed, by any means possible fair or foul, and after he is, the next bogeyman (DeSatan?) will have to be obliterated as well. It is a civil war for power to them, and will only end with their total dominance, and the total destruction of their enemies. They are right and you are wrong. It is that simple. It is Hitlerism to a “T”.
And you are not only wrong, you are evil and deserve only to be submissive, or eradicated from the face of the earth.
Of course, some of the above (not all) is exactly what conservatives believe about them. The difference is, we know that human imperfections—and they are legion—can never and will never produce a Golden Age of Perfection on earth. Heaven is on the other side of the grave, not here. Liberals don’t believe in a spiritual heaven, so it must be created on earth—by them. But, to conservatives, the best that can be hoped for is to diligently train people in virtuous, humble selflessness. Societies must try to produce the most excellent people possible. This will limit the need for, and dangers of, government tyranny. The warnings are numerous:
“Power tends to corrupt; absolute power corrupts absolutely.” (Lord Acton)
“Power gradually extirpates for [eliminates from] the mind every humane and gentle virtue.” (Edmund Burke)
“The truth is that all men having power ought to be mistrusted.” (James Madison)
To the men who founded America, no one is born with a right to rule others. This was the American Revolution. It is the antithesis of modern Leftism, and why they hate America’s Founders so profoundly. The Left believes they DO deserve to rule others because of their superior intellectual and moral status. (They went to Harvard….) And woe to the hundreds of millions of peasants who have, continue to, and will continue to stand in the way until the Left has the absolute supremacy it craves.
They are only trying to give you heaven on earth, you rednecks. And they will kill you if you don’t want it.
Christmas is coming! My 2nd Rob Conners western novel, River Bend, is now available. Honestly, I think it is much better than my first book, Whitewater. Both are available at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and Eliva.com. Get a 10% discount on the paperback at info@elivapress.com.