Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Lord, That Man is Stupid

Joe Biden, 2022:  Sending tanks to Ukraine would be "World War III"

Joe Biden, 2023:  Sends tanks to Ukraine

I bet Xi Jinping is having the time of his life watching America waste money and military material in Ukraine.  That’s money and supplies America won’t be able to send to Taiwan if Xi decides to invade.  Folks, Russia is not America’s greatest enemy.  China is.  There are 29 NATO countries in Europe.  That doesn’t even count the United States.  Does Biden honestly think there is a snowball’s chance Vladimir Putin will invade Europe?  For crying out loud, his armies, in almost a year, haven’t even been able to defeat Ukraine, how is he going to defeat the 29 European NATO nations.  Is Biden really this stupid?

Yes, I’m afraid he is.


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