China greatly loosened it zero-Covid policy and now the country is having an explosion of Wuhan virus cases. I’ve had two of my online Chinese students cancel their class this weekend due to having caught the virus. The government’s zero-Covid policy prevented the virus from spreading, which sounds good, except people were not able to build up natural immunity to it, as in most other countries. So now, China is paying the price for their short-sighted, tyrannical policy.
You know, for all the Western belief of how smart the Chinese are, they really aren’t. I taught there for ten years, and their students are no different from American students. Some are intelligent, some are not. Some work hard, some don’t. The problem is, China does not allow free, creative thinking, and thus I saw some incredibly stupid things while I was there. They have no ability to think for themselves (America is beginning to have the same problem). The government tells them what to think; free access to the Internet is blocked. The students only learn what they are allowed to learn, and are brainwashed with Marxist, communist, Leftist propaganda. The Chinese aren’t intellectually inferior to anybody else, they are simply tyrannized by a brutal, murderous government that does not allow creative, free thinking. As a result, they must steal Western technology and America and other Western countries have let them do it.
Well, in that case, who are the really dumb ones?
But anyway, China is now reaping the results of a very blind policy. Of course, it is their own fault because they created the virus (apparently with Anthony Fauci’s help) and then turned it loose on the world. It’s biting them in the butt right now, but Xi Jinping doesn’t care how many of them die. He could lose a billion and still have a population greater than America’s. He might be worried about his economy, though.
Well, it’s his problem. The sooner China joins the civilized world and gets rid of its Marxist government, the better off the whole earth will be. That could happen at any time, or it may not happen for decades. Nobody knows, for sure, what is going on in the Chinese government or what the Chinese people are liable to do. There are some good folks in China, and I still have a lot of good friends there. I hope, for their sakes, they know Christianity and freedom before they die.