First, they wanted to be ignored.
Then they were satisfied to be in the closet.
Next they wanted to be tolerated.
Then they wanted to be accepted.
Then they wanted to be celebrated.
After that, they wanted you to be punished for not celebrating them.
Now they want your children.
And now, they want you to be punished for not giving them your children.
America’s dark descent into perversion has become one of the darkest chapters in her history.
“If a man lies with a man as he lies with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination. They shall surely be put to death. Their blood shall be upon them.” (Leviticus 20:13).
People aren’t born “gay”, folks. God doesn’t create sinners. People aren’t born adulterers, rapists, child abusers, murderers, thieves, or any other sinful choice. It’s just that—a choice.
Homosexuals commit their “abomination” freely, by choice, of their own volition. Under Moses’ law, it was a capital crime, and it was their own fault—“their blood shall be upon them.”
The New Testament is no less clear. Paul called it “vile passions”, and was appalled that “even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature.” And the men, “leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful...” (Romans 1:26-27).
It’s pretty clear what God thinks of it. Homosexuality is an abomination, vile, against nature, shameful, and those who practice it “will not inherit the kingdom of God” (I Corinthians 6:9-10). It has happened all through human history, but that doesn’t excuse it. Rape, murder, adultery, incest, and every other sin have happened all through human history as well.
We in Western Civilization used to know all of this, of course, it was never doubted. And many, if not most, cultures in the world still know homosexuality is an abominable, unnatural practice. But then, in the West, we turned our moral system over to the godless Left. The rest of us fell asleep and they took it; we are decent people, who will condemn sin but otherwise leave others alone and will let them answer to God themselves. But that lifestyle isn’t enough for the Left. You HAVE to accept their viewpoint. If you don’t, you will be condemned, and if you speak out too loudly against it, you will be censored. They have their religion (atheism) and it is, frankly, far more aggressive than Christianity, and certainly far more dangerous and violent. Just ask the hundreds of millions who lived (died) under Lenin, Stalin, Mao, and every other atheistic, communistic dictatorship. Jesus taught people the truth and then let them make their choice whether they accepted Him or not. He never forced anyone to be His disciple. Such goes against the very nature of God and His religion; only voluntary service is virtuous. That’s common sense. But Leftist teach people their lies and demand, on threat of punishment, that people accept them. That is the difference.
Chaya Raichik, creator of Libs of TikTok gets part of it. Homosexuals “grooming” of children is, to her, “evil.” That is putting it mildly. She said, “I think they are evil. And sometimes we try to break it down a lot, and we discuss why this is happening, what’s happening, whatever, and I think sometimes the simple answer is they’re just evil. They’re bad people. They’re evil people. And they want to groom kids. They’re recruiting.”
Of course they are recruiting children. Homosexuals can’t reproduce among themselves; you can't birth a child from a man’s anal canal. So naturally they have to…evangelize, if you’ll pardon my use of that word. People aren’t born homosexual; they really know that, and their actions prove it. If people were “born” homosexual, why recruit? They would find each other. But people aren’t born that way, so the only option is to go out and convert, especially young people who are more amenable. They aren’t going to change many 50- or 60-year-olds. But children…well, get to them early enough and they can be taught anything. So, they infiltrate the schools, celebrate “gay pride” (they have no pride in being a MAN, so they celebrate their perversity), get “drag shows” to be acceptable, and the Democratic Party, which is nothing if not evil, gives it all their blessing. There is absolutely nothing on earth more degenerate, vile, repulsive, and evil than this. Well, except the murder of unborn babies. That’s pretty evil, too.
Homosexuality is an abomination. Against nature. Vile. Shameful. And soul-damning. And there is not one single, solitary excuse for it.
We don’t (shouldn’t) condone adultery. It is a choice that two people make and it is a violation of trust. It’s a lie to a person whom we claim to love. We shouldn’t condone homosexuality, either. It is a choice, against nature, judged by God. Their condemnation be on their own hands—and on anyone who justifies it in any way at all.