Friday, October 7, 2022

Liberal Morality and Nuclear War



            Here in Thailand, I can watch Tucker Carlson (and others) on YouTube about an hour after their shows finish.  I usually watch Tucker, and recently, he expressed his view that Joe Biden’s disastrous Ukraine policy might be driving Vladimir Putin to the use of nuclear weapons.  Carlson isn’t the only one who has suggested this possibility.  If it’s true, it should be truly frightening to all of us.

            Nuclear war talk is neither fun nor funny.  Some commentators are even suggesting we are closer to a nuclear holocaust than at any time since the Cuban missile crisis of 1962.  This is…horrifying to contemplate.  Let us hope it is not so.

            Will there really be a nuclear war?

            What most concerns me is, are there, any longer, any limits to what Joe Biden and the Left will do to accomplish whatever nefarious goals they have?  Do they have any moral boundaries whatsoever besides the ones they draw?

Most people have a moral stopping point, a line they will not cross.  The problem is, to the Left, it’s totally subjective for each individual.  Every one decides for themselves.  Once you dismiss an absolute moral standard, this is where you end up.  And some people will continue to push the line farther and farther away from any standard.  I believe in God and absolutes.  I stand EXACTLY where I did 50 years ago because truth does not change, is not subject to the whims of time or the diktats of human-fashioned ethics.  100 years ago, abortion was baby-killing, and it’s baby-killing today.  But again, when you leave an absolute boundary, where do you stop?

            Why not nuclear war?

Once you abandon absolute morality for ethical subjectivism, then “every man does that which is right in his own eyes.”  Everybody has their own moral code and limitations, or lack thereof.  One person stops at G, another person stops at L, the next person stops at P, another at Y, another at FF, another at MMM, ad infinitum.  Who determines who is right and who is wrong?  It becomes totally relative and arbitrary. 

Now, the question is, where does Joe Biden stop?  DOES he stop at any point?  He certainly has given no indication yet that he has any moral limitations.  Will he halt before nuclear war?  We won’t know unless and until he does because we have no clue what his boundaries are.

            Biden apparently wants to topple Putin.  That appears to be his objective; he has even said as much.  Is there any point beyond which Biden will not go to accomplish his purpose, or will he do anything, including risk destroying America, to remove Putin from power?

            My concern is, since the Left has rejected absolute morality, there is nothing, short of force, that will hinder them from trying to achieve whatever they wish.  They create their own moral system as they go along, based upon their own vision of what they think is best for themselves and humanity.  And since they are in power now, nothing can stop them from pushing the boundaries well beyond any absolute.

            Look at how they refuse to stop.  Abortion has gone from being a crime, to being “safe and rare,” to being allowable now for any reason, up to and even beyond birth.  Ten years ago, FIVE years ago, pedophilia was heinous, and we never would have tolerated, or even dreamed of, the child mutilation that the Democrats now assiduously defend.  Drag queens in front of children, totally open borders, pregnant men, climate change rhetoric and demands becoming more and more severe (electric cars by 2035, eating bugs)…where are these people going to stop?  Will nuclear war deter them?  I don’t know.  That’s what scares me.  NOBODY knows.

            The Left keeps pushing the limits of morality farther and farther away from decency and normality.  Relativists Mao and Stalin can kill 50+ million of their own people.  Relativist Xi Jinping can turn a virus loose on humanity that kills millions and destroys countless lives, and yet he will (probably) soon become dictator for life of the most populous country in the world.  So, if relativist Biden wants to push Putin into a nuclear war….

            Why not? 

Biden is a liberal who believes in ethical subjectivism, and that means the only line he will draw morally is where he wants to draw it.  Morality has become what Joe Biden and the Left says it is.  And it changes frequently because they have no God other than themselves.  Biden has proven such by his rejection of his Church’s teaching on abortion.  He will go along with the Catholic Church when the CHURCH agrees with HIM.  “Hey, God, you need get in line here, listen to US, do what WE say.” 

But unlike your common, every day, run-of-the-mill amoral liberal, Joe Biden is President of the most powerful country in the world, controlling perhaps the most powerful military. 

            And lots of nukes.

            Could there actually be a nuclear war today?  As terrifying as that thought is, the answer is “yes,” it is possible because there are no limitations on today’s liberal morality, no boundary they will not cross, absolutely nothing they think is “wrong” if it will usher in whatever socialist utopia they have in mind (never forget Stalin and Mao, et al).  The only “evil” that exists is whatever they say is evil, and they will often lie and make something up (white supremacy, climate change) if they think it will help them obtain and keep power.  And once they have it, they are showing, very clearly, they have no scruples, no conscience, no moral stopping point.

            A man who believes in murdering babies and mutilating children…where will a man like that draw the line?  Only where he wants to.  Or is forced to.  Maybe not even at nuclear war.

            Is the American Left finally catching up with Stalin and Mao?


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