Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Is “Trumpism” Becoming a Cult?

        I’m not going to waste space here stating what I believe about Donald Trump.  Anyone who has read my Townhall columns, or my posts here, knows I have defended the man decisively.  My record is clear.

         My point in this essay is that there appears to be a growing movement, the “Only Trump” movement, that believes Donald Trump is the ONLY person who can save America, that no other Republican should even be considered, and, most ominously, if you don’t agree, you are an unreasonable, stupid, traitor who is unfit to be an American.  Other Townhall writers have noted, and written about, this phenomena.  It is not healthy, it is cultish.

         A couple of examples.  Mr. Trump often refers to the Democratic Party (its official name) as the “Democrat Party.”  In my most recent Townhall post, a couple of people chastised me severely for not using the term “Democrat Party.”  I was a stupid, unreasoning brute because I didn’t do so.  We now, apparently, must use Mr. Trump’s language or we are un-American.  Another commenter, recently, said he would never read any of my articles again because of some (provable) criticism of Mr. Trump.  Kurt Schlichter, one of the most popular Townhall writers, has been called a “traitor” for suggesting we need to let the primary system work its way through the candidates and find the best to represent the Republican Party next year.  This is heresy to the “Only Trumpers,” the nomination should be Trump’s with no debate.  This is not only unhealthy, it’s dangerous.

         It’s also cultish.

         I will support Mr. Trump in 2024, as I did in 2016 and 2020, if he is the Republican Party nominee.  But I don’t think he is God, not even close, and I’m not going to join his slavish cult followers.  It is possible that some of these “Only Trump” commenters on Townhall are actually liberal trolls trying to divide the Republican Party faithful.  That isn’t an impossibility.  But if these people really are serious Trump supporters, they are way off base.  This reminds me of Hitlerism; not that Mr. Trump is anywhere near being an Adolf Hitler, but his followers are glorifying him the same way the Nazi faithful glorified and elevated Hitler as the only possible savior of their country.  We must not exalt any human to that position.  THAT is un-American.

         I don’t blame Mr. Trump for the attitude of his followers, though I do blame Mr. Trump for his constant, party-dividing attacks on Ron DeSantis and others he perceives as a threat to his re-nomination.  If he is the best candidate, let his character and policy statements, not his insults, prove that to the members of the Republican Party.  If he is not very careful, he—and his cult-like followers—are going to so divide the Republican Party that they will throw the election next year to the Democratic Party candidate.  That would be a disaster.

         Think, people, please think and stop emoting.

Friday, March 24, 2023

A Few Things in the News

--The World Athletic Council has banned men from competing in women's sports.  This is amazing, frankly, some sanity in a world gone mad.  Who are these people and how in the world did they even resist the pressure from the perverted, woke mobs?  Stay tuned and don't be surprised if there is a reversal.

--New York  DA Alvin Bragg, the guy who wants to arrest Donald Trump and then find something to accuse him of, has refused to cooperate with a Congressional probe.  I say...arrest him.  

--Biden claims his new budget "secures the border."  Whose border?  Ukraine's? 

--TikTok CEO has admitted that the CCP-controlled app tracks Americans' keystrokes.  But, it's not "spying," it's "only for security purposes."  That app should be completely banned from the American market.  But Joe and Hunter probably wouldn't like that. 

"Why Do the Heathen Rage?"

        Just one of the things that indicates the truth of the Bible is its infallibly accurate analysis of human thoughts and actions. Written 3,000 years ago, David’s words in Psalm 2 are just as descriptive of the world today as they were when he wrote them: "Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing? The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the LORD, and against his anointed, saying, Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us" (Psalm 2:1-3). People do, indeed, "rage" against God and "his anointed (Christ)." The selfish heathen do not want to be bound by the righteous laws of a holy God—law, of course, that, if universally applied, would make for a world of peace, patience, love, forgiveness, self-control, and every other virtue so needed but so lacking in today’s carnal, lust-filled humanity. But people would rather have war and hate than submit to a God of peace and love.

        The Lord’s response is not encouraging for reprobate mankind: "He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the LORD shall have them in derision" (v. 4). "Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap" (Gal. 6:7).


Monday, March 20, 2023

The Village Idiot and the Village Genius

Here's a great quote from Thomas Sowell:

"John Roberts is no doubt a brainy man, and that seems to carry a lot of weight among the intelligentsia — despite glaring lessons from history, showing very brainy men creating everything from absurdities to catastrophes. Few of the great tragedies of history were created by the village idiot, and many by the village genius." ("Judicial Betrayal," July 3, 2012)

The last sentence bears repeating: "few of the great tragedies of history were created by the village idiot, and many by the village genius." I have often said--even told my students--that the stupidest people in the world are so-called "intellectuals." Most of them have no common sense, they rarely live in the real world where they themselves must accept the responsibility and bear the consequences of their fallacies, and worse yet, too many of them don’t believe in God.  It hasn’t been the Gomer Pyles who have started wars and killed untold millions, but Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Mao, and a whole host of such “intellectual” leftists who thought they had the genius to re-make the world according to their own vision (and, in their subjectivism, they never agreed on what that vision is), and, all the while, they completely ignored history and the moral and spiritual laws that the Creator handed man for his own good. 

That’s the quintessence of stupidity.  And barbarism.  And human tragedy.  And the reason why the United States, and most of the world, is in a mess right now.

Why Leftist Ideologies Always Fail

          I want to discuss, in the brief space I have, the roots of modern Leftist philosophy, and why they believe government and force are the essentials to a more perfect society.  There is an inherent contradiction in their system which would nullify it, but the Leftist’s fundamental understanding of human nature is in error, and thus any arrangement based on it is doomed to failure.  And has.

             Modern leftism has an interesting history, but one I cannot fully elucidate here.  Though it has predecessors (Locke, Helvetius), its current manifestation is rooted in Darwinian materialism (one foundation of Marxism).  According to this hypothesis, humans evolved, naturally and by chance, from “lower” forms of life.  Pure, undiluted Darwinism, thus pure leftism, is atheistic—no God created or controlled the process.  That means human beings are nothing more than blobs of matter in motion.  The only difference between you and a cockroach is a different configuration of molecules, and that totally by chance.  You can no more help being a human than a cockroach can help being a cockroach.  There is, of course, some verity to this.  

             However, since humans are nothing but groups of molecules in motion, we can react only to whatever environmental forces surround us.  There is no freedom of choice in such a system.  And no free will implies we are not responsible for what we do.  Criminals aren’t guilty of “crimes”; it isn’t their fault, they respond exclusively to environmental factors.  Also, poverty has been said to be a root cause of crime.  Thus, by changing the environment (a “war on poverty”), human behavior can be modified.  Put an apple tree in an environment of good water, soil, sunshine, etc., and bigger, tastier, juicier apples will be produced.  The apples have no “choice” in the matter, they only respond to their surroundings.  Since humans are, like apples, only molecules formed, by chance, into what we are, then, like apples, we will react only to whatever external stimuli we receive.  People thus aren’t “good” or “bad” except as their environment dictates. 

Leftist intellectuals believe that humans (especially them) have evolved to the point where they can control the evolutionary process, if only we will give them power.  They will create a Utopia, by good laws and education, so that everybody can be in a “good” environment and respond accordingly.

             This philosophy is, of course, contrary to Christianity and many world religions, which believe that man is, in some ways, the offspring of a Divine Creator, given freedom of choice by that Creator on how they choose to live.  Most conservatives believe in a philosophy like this, whether they are “religious” or not.  People are not just naturalistic, materialistic animals, with nothing but instinct and response to environment.  Some environmental forces are obviously evident in human behavior (culture, tradition, etc.); no one can, or should, deny this.  But, in the conservative mind, humans have free will, and can choose to rise above their circumstances and form their own destiny.  Not so, says the liberal, people only do “good” or “evil” in response to their (“systemic”) surroundings, whatever stimuli they receive from without.  Again, change the stimuli, change the environment, and behavior will automatically be modified.  It’s “science.”  When people do evil, it’s the fault of the system (capitalism is usually blamed, or now, “white supremacy” and “racism”), not the fault of the individual.

             The difference between liberalism and conservatism is thus based on a fundamentally different belief about human nature.  Liberals want power so that they can create an earthly paradise. They believe they can now control all environmental factors, including the climate.   Conservatives believe in freedom, but a freedom that has boundaries based on eternal principles of right and wrong.  Humans can be, must be, incentivized and disciplined towards virtuous conduct, and thus to use their freedom for good, not evil.  Family and religion best do this, not government.

             Socialism is a prime example of liberal failure.  The government, top-down, controls the economy.  It never works because it denies humans the freedom to choose their needs and desires, rather than what the elite thinks is best.  Nobody can control what another person wishes to purchase.  Only the free market fits with human nature.

             Liberal morality also is disastrous.  Let Edmund Burke explain:  "Society cannot exist unless a controlling power upon will and appetite be placed somewhere; and the less of it there is within [freedom of choice], the more there must be without [government tyranny]."  People must use their freedom to control themselves—self-government.  Or government will have to do it for them.  Freedom or tyranny.  The Right vs. the Left.

             Thus, liberal politicians’ fundamental mistake is believing that human beings can be transformed by legislation, in effect, by force.  But they are wrong, and that is why political systems, nations, and dynasties rise for awhile and then collapse.  They fail in the most basic concept, viz., that freedom is in the human heart, not produced by government laws.  And forcing people to outwardly conform will only lead eventually to resentment, rebellion, and revolution.  That is why religion has always existed.  Christianity, for example, has survived for 2,000 years through every kind of political system and upheaval.  Jesus knew that humans can only truly be changed from within, in the heart, not by external laws.  Therefore, religion has always existed, and will continue long after current political tyrannies have either disappeared completely or devolved into something else, something as useless and reprehensible as what they had replaced. 

             But, religion remains the greatest threat to the self-serving, elitist politicians who lust to control others and create the Shangri-la that gives them totalitarian power.  The only people more pitiable than such politicians are the people who believe their lies, lies that have been repeated countless times throughout history, and have cost innumerable people their lives.  For, what do you do with the rotten apples, the apples that don’t respond to the perfect environment you created for them?

             You destroy them.  As many as necessary.



Wednesday, March 15, 2023

It’s Time to Swarm

            Like Rip van Winkle, American patriots and those who believe in Judeo-Christian moral values, the family, wholesome entertainment, etc. are just now awakening from a 60 or so year sleep.  And the country has certainly changed, horribly, in the interim.  We must do something, of course, besides wring our hands.  This column provides a small solution we all, young and old, can participate in.

            The LGBTQ+ ad infinitum movement has swept the country (and most of Western Civilization).  It is everywhere, and aggressive.  And while most of us don’t care what a person does in their bedroom (you’ll answer to God for it, not us), we don’t appreciate their in-your-face attitude that demands, not just tolerance, but celebration, access to our children, our sports, our language—everything must bend to their will or WE are the bigots.  That is going too far.  Live your perverted life if you want to, but leave the rest of us alone.  But they won’t do that.  Tragically, many people, including corporations, have caved.  We are waking up now, and hopefully it isn’t too late. 

            The “Human Rights Campaign” (HRC) is the largest LGBTQ+ organization in America.  They have what they call a “Corporate Equity Index”, which for the last couple of decades (while we snoozed) has been very successful in driving American corporations into accepting and supporting their goals and lifestyle.  As a result, and with little opposition from the Right, many corporations give huge grants to homosexual or trans organizations, sponsor “pride” parades or some obnoxious gender-bender media propaganda.  And too many Americans are still yawning, scratching their bellies, and not yet fully awake.

            In their “Corporate Equality Index,” the HRC gives companies a “grade” of zero to 100 based on how fully they submit to the HRC’s agenda.  The pressure on American corporations continues to mount, and they will “lose points” if they ever oppose any of the increasingly-radicalized program of the HRC.  If we want to start fighting back, we need to know who these companies are.  Below is a list of corporations, etc., who received a 100% pro-LGBTQ+ grade in 2022.  Get busy, America.  Write to these companies.  Boycott them.  Let others know.  If we hit these corporations in their pocketbooks—the only thing they really understand—they will start listening to decency. 

Here's the list of some of the more notable 100%, pro-LGBTQ+ companies.  This isn’t a complete list, but chances are most readers buy/patronize one, or several, of them:






American Airlines



Del Monte Foods

Farmers Insurance


General Mills

H&R Block

Hershey Co.



Johnson & Johnson




Land O’Lakes

Liberty Mutual


Mars, Inc.

Mattel, Inc.


Nestle’ USA                                                                                                               

Office Depot

Papa John’s

PepsiCo, Inc.

Proctor & Gamble

Shell Oil



State Farm









     That’s not all of them—add to the list if you know of others.  The above are certainly among the most famous, and most oft-patronized.  Just about all my favorites are on there, of course, and maybe yours, too.  There is probably no way we can be 100% consistent in boycotting or opposing every “woke” corporation; we have to survive and feed our children.  But if enough of us put pressure on these groups, they will have to start listening to us.  If emails and letters begin arriving on CEO desks in huge numbers, and enough of us start eating and buying our goods at non-woke restaurants, food stores, etc.—and letting the “woke” corporations know we are doing it—we might proceed to turn this around.

     The first step, however, is education—“know thy enemy.”  The list above is a good beginning.  Telling these companies our opinion of their “woke” contributions to the destruction of America is something all of us can do.  Let’s all get to work saving America.  Some time and sacrifice are necessary.

     It’s time to swarm, conservatives, swarm…



Mark It Down! Has Moved!

Please click on the following link to the new Mark It Down! substack: https://mklewis929.substack.com Same great material!  😁😁😁